7. Engle, J., & Walker, C.M. (submitted). Counterfactuals facilitate anomaly detection and belief revision
6. Engle, J., Baker-Harvey, H., Nguyen, K.H., Carney, H., Stavropoulos, K., Carver, L.J., (in press). Anticipation of social and nonsocial dynamic cues in preschool-aged children. Child Development
5. Engle, J., & Walker, C.M. (2021). Overcoming the pull of prior knowledge: Thinking counterfactually supports children's evidence evaluation. Child Development.
4. Lee D.A., Liu J., Hong Y., Hill A.J., Lane J.M., Wang H., Oikonomou G., Pham U., Engle J., Saxena R., Prober D.A. (2019). Evolutionarily conserved regulation of sleep by epidermal growth factor receptor signaling. Science Advances, 5(11), eaax4249.
3. Engle, J., & Walker, C.M. (2018). Considering alternatives facilitates anomaly detection in preschoolers. In N. Miyake, D. Peebles, & R. P. Cooper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI: Cognitive Science Society
2. Lee D.A., Andreev A., Truong T.V., Chen A., Hill A.J., Oikonomou G., Pham U., Hong Y.K., Tran S., Glass L., Sapin V., Engle J., Fraser S.E., Prober D.A. (2017). Genetic and neuronal regulation of sleep by neuropeptide VF. Elife 6.
1. Chiu C.N., Rihel J., Lee D.A., Singh C., Mosser E.A., Chen S., Sapin V., Pham U., Engle J., Niles B.J., Montz C.J., Chakravarthy S., Zimmerman S., Salehi-Ashtiani K., Vidal M., Schier A.F. and Prober D.A. (2016). A zebrafish genetic screen identifies Neuromedin U as a regulator of sleep/wake states. Neuron 89, 842–856.
6. Engle, J., Baker-Harvey, H., Nguyen, K.H., Carney, H., Stavropoulos, K., Carver, L.J., (in press). Anticipation of social and nonsocial dynamic cues in preschool-aged children. Child Development
5. Engle, J., & Walker, C.M. (2021). Overcoming the pull of prior knowledge: Thinking counterfactually supports children's evidence evaluation. Child Development.
4. Lee D.A., Liu J., Hong Y., Hill A.J., Lane J.M., Wang H., Oikonomou G., Pham U., Engle J., Saxena R., Prober D.A. (2019). Evolutionarily conserved regulation of sleep by epidermal growth factor receptor signaling. Science Advances, 5(11), eaax4249.
3. Engle, J., & Walker, C.M. (2018). Considering alternatives facilitates anomaly detection in preschoolers. In N. Miyake, D. Peebles, & R. P. Cooper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Madison, WI: Cognitive Science Society
2. Lee D.A., Andreev A., Truong T.V., Chen A., Hill A.J., Oikonomou G., Pham U., Hong Y.K., Tran S., Glass L., Sapin V., Engle J., Fraser S.E., Prober D.A. (2017). Genetic and neuronal regulation of sleep by neuropeptide VF. Elife 6.
1. Chiu C.N., Rihel J., Lee D.A., Singh C., Mosser E.A., Chen S., Sapin V., Pham U., Engle J., Niles B.J., Montz C.J., Chakravarthy S., Zimmerman S., Salehi-Ashtiani K., Vidal M., Schier A.F. and Prober D.A. (2016). A zebrafish genetic screen identifies Neuromedin U as a regulator of sleep/wake states. Neuron 89, 842–856.